Three years ago, China withdrew from child policy. Birth rate is decreasing - it was considered a good news for China even a decade ago. However, in the current economic context, the issue of this issue is on the forehead of policy makers, policy makers
When one child policy was canceled in 2015, it was hoped that Chinese couples would be interested to take the second child. But now the government has lost interest in taking two children if they want. Which indicates a difficult crisis. Now the state slogan, 'Have children for the country'.
Recently, an analytical work has been published on BBC's online democracy. How to reduce birth rate is negatively affecting the economy of the country has been highlighted. China is also going to take action to tackle the problem. Earlier, where a child was given a variety of benefits. Now the facilities are being extended to two children. Planning to increase maternity leave In addition, things like cash incentives or tax exemption are being added.
In 1979 a controversial child policy was introduced in China. Its aim was to reduce the birth rate in China and reduce the rate of population growth. It is believed that at least 40 million births have been committed in the country due to China's child policy. For the couple who violated this one child policy, there were provisions for penalties from the fine. Even severe punishment like forced abortion would have been given.
In the last decade, this policy is somewhat relaxed. Because experts were feared that due to this policy, the number of operational people in China is declining rapidly. China has enjoyed demographic dividend for many years. But suddenly all of them are going to be lost. Demographic dividend is the population of a working population, that is, the population of 15 to 64 years old. China was fifth in the world in terms of working population. As a result, the country was quite ahead of labor force. But if China is to continue its economic development, population will increase rather than reduce the population.
When one child policy was abolished in 2015 - it was assumed that if you get independence, the interest of taking the child will increase. However, there was no interest in taking the children of young people. According to the official figures of China's Bureau, in 2016, there were 188 million children. Population increased by 13 million in that year. About 13 children are born every thousand; Which is the highest rate of population growth than 2001.
China has adopted two child policy in 2017. This year, 1 million 72 lakh 30 thousand children; Which is less than 650,000 less than 2016. Now every 12 thousand 43 children born in every 1000, less than 5.25 percent less than 2016. It is expected that this rate may fall further since 2018. In the next 10 years, the number of Chinese women aged 23 to 30 will be reduced by 40 percent. Only about 80 million children can be born in this 10 years. In such a situation, public-state campaigns are being conducted that 'taking children is not just family matters, nor national issues.' It is said in the media that the state needs new policies to deal with the effects of low birth rate.
Meanwhile, the birth rate decreases, the average life expectancy has increased man. When there was a child policy, the average life expectancy was 66 years. Life expectancy is now 76 years due to this obligation; Which will cause great pressure on China's economy in the coming decades.
According to official data, the population of 15 to 64 years in 2013 was 100 million But since then this number has decreased, which is still going down. On the other hand, the number of older people is increasing. In 2013, China's total population stood at 139 crores. Of which 65 million people have population over 65 years; Which is 11.4 percent of the total population. According to the United Nations rules, if 7 percent of the total population is 65 years old, then the country can be defined as an adult society. The organization fears that by the year 2030, 17.1 percent of Chinese people will be 65 years old.
According to the Chinese media, in 2011, against an older man, where 3.16 young people were, in 2016, it stands at 2.8. By 2050 it is expected that it may be 1.3 to 3.
Reasons for not having a child
In fact, for three decades, China has been through tough family planning. The children of a family have grown up quite well. They did not have to go to any kind of sharing because they were the only children. They have enjoyed many independence. It has been found that these children are getting older and are getting married very late. Children are late too. They are paying attention to building their own profession and career. Promoting their own happiness.