How many people can remember people's appearance?

Apart from family members, we are introduced to many people. From that small to our life, our life around man is surrounded by life. After watching the school, college, university and then job-life as such a straightforward, it can be seen that, this long journey has become known to thousands of people. Everyone's appearance, color is very different. Questions can come, how many people do we remember?

The question can be made in this way, how many people are able to retain their brains? Will be surprised if you know the answer. A recent study has suggested that a person may remember five thousand things on average.

A group of experts from personal life and media participants researched exactly how many faces they can remember. They are able to quickly identify many famous faces.

People usually share in small groups. There are hundreds of people around him. The research article says that many people have the ability to identify faces. Thousands of people can remember the look.

In the modern era, we do not only communicate or face-to-face contact, also make intercultural communication. There you go to many people. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram ... In this era we have many people with great respect, but have never met once! Yet people can identify their appearance.

There is also a software to identify the face, which is used in the investigation of airports and police.

The head of the research team. Rob Jenkins said, "The main focus of our research was, in fact, how many people can remember the appearance - we still do not know, how much our brain is able to remember." But the ability of each is different, it also says that he

Participants spent an hour in the study to write the names of their remembered faces. Such as those who were mixed in school, colleagues in the service, family or relatives etc. Later, they gradually wrote the names of famous actors-actresses, politicians and other media icons.

Participants initially used to write quick names, but eventually it became difficult. At the end of an hour it is harder! Researchers at this pace assume that they can remember exactly how many forms. The pictures of thousands of famous people are also shown to the participants and they are asked who they can recognize.

The results come, participants can recall one thousand to ten thousand faces.

However, keeping in mind the natural matter to remember the face. Jenkins and his associates. Besides, this is also one of the reasons, when the person actually talks about his face, he is right

How much attention is paying. It depends on the look of the face.

Much influence on a person. The social environment is reflected in the person. The person who is living in a densely populated area and the population of a small number of people growing up in the settlement must not be the only one.

Indian media Deccan Chronicle said the average age of participants was 24. The entire research article was published in the Royal Society's journal.

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